Thursday, July 30, 2009

Coming down to the wire

I don't know where the time went. The wedding is just over two weeks away now. Between the boxes of weddings gifts and other wedding-related stuff, our condo is closing in on us. There are many things still to be done, including a lot of picking up of things (my dress from the tailor, our wedding bands, etc., and while we're at it, should probably get that pile of clothes from the dry cleaners too), appointments of various kinds (facial, haircut- just a trim!) and more planning. Then there's the matter of work, our full-time jobs that are allowing us to pay for this wonderful celebration, which are inconveniently getting busier and busier for both of us as the wedding approaches. Despite all the craziness, I feel fairly calm and just keep thinking:

Please Be Still

1 comment:

  1. Don't fret! It will all come together ~ keep this poster with you at all times!
