Monday, March 9, 2009

Quotes for inspiration

I love the power of a good quote. I was reminded of this when I saw this Maya Angelou quote on A $10,000 Wedding. We are having a non-denominational ceremony. It's doubtful we'll even be doing readings, but I'm thinking quotes will play a role somehow, whether on the back of our invitation, a program, table tents or somewhere. I'm starting to collect them now, starting with this one:
"At night, there was the feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. We slept when we were tired and if we woke the other one woke too so one was not alone. Often a man wishes to be alone and a woman wishes to be alone too and if they love each other they are jealous of that in each other, but I can truly say we never felt that. We could feel alone when we were together, alone against the others. We were never lonely and never afraid when we were together."--Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

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